Conversion Table

Fractional Decimal (mm)
1/8 0.125
1/4 0.250
3/8 0.375
1/2 0.500
5/8 0.625
3/4 0.750
7/8 0.875
1/16 0.0625
3/16 0.1875
5/16 0.3125
7/16 0.4375
9/16 0.5625
11/16 0.6875
13/16 0.8125
15/16 0.9375
Cart 0



Your panel dimensions are

0" x 0"

You'll receive

999.99 panels

Your wall dimensions are

0" x 0"

You're wall is approximately

999.99 sq ft


Plus applicable taxes

Save Wall Details & Add To Cart

Not satisfied? Continue designing below.

Enter your wall dimensions, number of desired rows & columns, then select your vertical moulding choice to design your custom wall. We suggest starting with 4 rows and 3 columns. You have two choices of vertical mouldings; B1 provides a more linear, continuous panel look and B2 provides more depth and dimension...the choice is yours!

Need help with the conversion? Check out our handy fractions to decimals conversion table!





Your panel dimensions are too large for shipping. Please adjust your columns & rows to create smaller panels.

Your panel dimensions are too narrow for fabrication. Please adjust columns/rows to create taller rows.

Please fill out the wall dimensions fully before running the wall calculator.


Dynamic Walls Calculator Data Points

Width - 152.75”

Height - 101.75”

Rows - 4

Columns - 3

Vertical Moulding - B2

Dynamic Walls Calculator Data Points

Width - 135.125”

Height - 91.5”

Rows - 5

Columns - 3

Vertical Moulding - B1